When Can You Have Sex After Penis Filler Injections?

Have Sex After Penis Filler Injections

You don’t wash or wax your car immediately after a new paint job. The new paint needs about a month to “outgas” first.

You don’t run a race the day you get a cast taken off your previously broken leg. You give your muscles time to stretch and strengthen first.

And you don’t engage in any sexual activity following penis enhancement. You give yourself plenty of time to heal first.

How much time do you need to give yourself before engaging in sexual activities following injections of dermal filler for penile girth enlargement? And can you self-pleasure while avoiding intercourse?

We’ll answer that and fill you in on many more things involving penis filler below.

What is Penis Filler?

Dermal penis fillers refer to anything injected just underneath the skin of your penis. Products like hyaluronic acid (HA, for short), silicone, poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA), and calcium hydroxylapatite gel fillers plump your penis, adding to its width (aka girth).

As a nice benefit, the extra weight from its new girthy-ness helps your manhood hang lower, giving it a longer appearance, too. However, not all dermal penis fillers are created equal.

Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic acid (HA) treatments emerge as one of the best fillers to use, giving the most satisfactory and natural results for a larger penis. HA is extremely safe and naturally occurs in different parts of your body, like in your eyes and around your joints. Your body recognizes and accepts it as a friendly agent, and these fillers don’t alter how your penis functions.

What’s better is that HA is semi-permanent. That means you can customize your results. Your provider can eliminate anything you don’t love by using hyaluronidase. HA can also help to straighten bends and even out unevenness. Add and dissolve until you have the circumference and look you want.

Since HA dermal fillers are the most effective and safest way to plump a penis, we’ll focus on those for the rest of this read, but check out Girth Enhancement 101 for more info on HA versus alternatives.

The Procedure

You can better understand what “recovery” time looks like once you know how the procedure works.

After numbing your penis, a trained penile dermal filler provider injects even and symmetrical columns of filler into the shaft from the base to the head. These columns can be thicker or thinner to correct irregularities in your anatomy.

Next, the provider fits a compression garment around your penis to keep it extended and compressed. The compression helps the filler bond with the collagen and elastin in your natural tissue.

Once bonded, the durable filler remains in place and looks, functions, and feels natural. HA fillers are used in the face, too, but last considerably longer in penile tissue due to limited lymphatics (drainage systems) there.

So, how long do providers recommend waiting before having sex after an HA dermal filler session? First, let’s talk about what’s off the table.

What’s Included in “Sexual Activities”

When doctors tell you to wait a certain amount of time before engaging in any sexual activity after your male enhancement girth procedure, it includes abstaining from:

  • Vaginal Intercourse
  • Anal Intercourse
  • Masturbation
  • Manual Stimulation
  • Oral Sex

Essentially, leave it alone unless you’re going to the bathroom or taking care of it according to your post-care instructions.

Note: You can (and probably will) still experience erections during the week to 10-day long sexual abstention period. These are normal and should not cause concern.

Recovery Time and Filler Migration

Dermal filler needs about a week to 10 days at a minimum to set. Filler can easily migrate those first few days. Sexual activities can cause lumps and bumps along your shaft as unbound filler is pushed and pulled into different areas, like the base of the shaft.

Uneven masses can appear after any penis-thickening procedure. However, they happen much more frequently if you engage in sexual activities too soon before the filler has had time to bond to parts of your anatomy.

Easy Fixes for Migration

Let’s suppose the worst happens–someone doesn’t stick to their post-care guidelines and has sex or masturbates too early in their healing process. There’s very little health-wise to worry about. It’s mainly aesthetic concerns (and the time and cost to repeat your treatment).

The good news is there’s an easy fix for those who engage in sex or self-pleasuring before the HA dermal filler has had time to set. Should someone develop lumps and bumps, doctors can dissolve filler with hyaluronidase and repeat the fillers.

It’s great that HA dermal fillers give you options due to hyaluronic acid’s semi-permanent nature. However, you’ll waste time, money, and filler fixing easily preventable lumps and bumps–not a good use of resources.

HA, Safety, and After-Care Instructions

Hyaluronic acid injections for penis girth enhancement are one of the safest and easiest methods for increasing the size of your penis. There’s no social downtime and very little recovery time.

It’s important to follow your provider’s after-care instructions to make that little bit of recovery time (as little as 7-10 days–that’s all) help your filler stay put. Of course, your provider can dissolve any unwanted filler with hyaluronidase injections and add more filler until you’re happy with your penis’ aesthetics. Still, you don’t want to waste time, money, or filler by throwing caution to the wind during the period of abstaining from sexual activities. Diligently adhere to any post-treatment care recommendations your provider gives you based on your unique anatomy and personal treatment.
