PhalloFILL® - The #1 Girth Enhancement Treatment
Your trusted girth enhancement professionals
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PhalloFILL® - The Top Hyaluronic Acid Penile Injection
PhalloFILL® is the ADVANCED treatment in penile girth and enhancement combining the advantages of multiple techniques with more than 20 years of aesthetic excellence offering patients optimal aesthetic results compared to other providers. The PhalloFILL® enhancement is known for safety and reliability and has become the gold standard in non-surgical girth enhancement using hyaluronic acid filler that is 100% natural to the body. Unlike other methods, these fillers complement the existing anatomical features of the penis without hindering functionality.
The Professional Approach
The PhalloFILL® enhancement is highly customizable to the varying anatomies of men and can be reversed at any time should it result in an aesthetic to your disliking. This is one of the many benefits of PhalloFILL® compared to other techniques using products that often require surgical correction or removal. PhalloFILL® was founded to ensure safety and consistent results using FDA approved products and has become the trusted professionals for men seeking penile enhancement.
PhalloFILL® combines extensive research with thousands of favorable outcomes stemming from a background of 20 years of aesthetic excellence. The original PhalloFILL® Clinic is conveniently located within 30 minutes of the Dallas/Ft. Worth (DFW) airport and within 10 minutes of Dallas Love Field (DAL) airport offering the flexibility to fly in for a PhalloFILL® enhancement and return home the same day. Our network of providers make access to the PhalloFILL® enhancement more convenient for patients throughout North and South America.
Currently, there are multiple procedures marketed to address penile insecurities relating to the overall size and girth of the penis. The PhalloFILL® enhancement’s high safety profile and unmatched aesthetic results have made this procedure increasingly sought after throughout the world – especially considering the growing dissatisfaction amongst patients with the increasing failure rates seen with alternative procedures and /or implanted products.
Other experimental treatments for added girth such as free fat grafting, silicone injections, and PMMA injections have left many patients with serious complications. Even top urologists and men’s health providers have been known to inject non-FDA approved products unbeknownst to their patients which can lead to unnecessary complications. PhalloFILL®’s network of providers offer patients peace of mind with the utilization of FDA approved products and stringent protocols necessary to achieve the natural and lasting results they desire. Studies assessing Vacuum Erection Devices have shown only temporary results with girth enhancement and unsatisfactory results for penile lengthening. The only promising evidence to lengthen the penis has been using an orthopedic penile extender such as the Phallosan® forte. Vacuum Erection Devices can be used after the PhalloFILL® enhancement to help maintain a healthy penis by increasing blood flow to the area, however, this may reduce longevity. Ask about other ways to maintain penile health under the direction of your local PhalloFILL® Provider.
Safe, Reversible - No Pumps, no Pills

Professionally Administered

Only approved medical pros
Frequently Asked Questions
The patient should expect an overall girth increase of 1/4 to 1/3 of an inch per session, or an average overall enhancement of 1 to 1 1/2 inches or more after multiple sessions depending on the goal of the patient. Any reasonable girth can be achieved with multiple sessions. Keep in mind that our most satisfied clients have received 4 – 6 sessions of PhalloFILL®. It is important to keep the following averages in mind when creating a treatment plan tailored to your specific goals:
– The average flaccid penis is 3.5 – 4 inches in girth. Many men would like to reach 5 – 6 inches flaccid.
– The average erect penis length is 5.5 inches. (We do not change the length with PhalloFILL® enhancement)
– The average girth of an erect penis is 5 inches. Many men would like to achieve 6+ inches of erect girth.
– On average, 18 – 30 units are injected during a PhalloFILL® enhancement plan over the course of 3 – 6 sessions.
With adequate sessions, the average girth increase is 1 to 1 1/2 inches. Depending on the patient’s desires, we have injected over 60 syringes during a PhalloFILL® enhancement plan for TREMENDOUS girth enhancement results!
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) filler can safely be used to increase the size of the glans (head) of the penis, although with less aesthetically appealing results. The glans is tissue rich in vascularity and lymphatic drainage and the treatment in the glans may only last 3 – 4 months. The PhalloFILL® enhancement was developed for increased girth to the shaft of the penis. Hyaluronic acid injections to the glans of the penis are effective for increased size, however patients should not expect the consistent and lasting results as seen on the shaft of the penis.
Our goal is for patients to be happy with their aesthetic results and the longevity of their filler retention. We do not believe the majority of patients will be happy with the results in the glans, where as we can achieve years of longevity in the shaft using the same filler.
No. There is an illusion in some of the before and after photos on our website that there IS an increase in length, but in reality you simply have less “shrinkage” after the PhalloFILL® enhancement therefore you maintain a “fuller length” when flaccid. Research shows that the only safe and effective way to lengthen the penis is with “stretching” or traction using a penile extender device or stretcher such as the Phallosan® which you can use at home. Learn more about Phallosan here.
Phallosan® exerts gentle tension to the penis. A few small studies have reported length increases of a 1/2 inch to nearly 2 inches using devices such as this.
Surgical methods for lengthening the penis such as separation of the suspensory ligament is risky and often ineffective. The surgery can result in complications such as infection, scarring, and loss of sensation or function. Often the ligament reattaches and causes a retraction of the penis from tissue scarring which can cause the length to actually decrease after surgery.
Using this technique, patients routinely reported HA dermal filler retention at 3 – 4 years and sometimes longer. To date, no patient has returned with a complete loss of filler. Since initially studying the girth enhancement technique, most patients have reported considerable long-term retention. Any minor loss of filler can be regained at any time with a simple touch-up treatment, which requires a minimal amount of filler compared to the initial treatments where most of the bulking is done. It is important to remember that every human body metabolizes HA filler differently. Follow-up treatments of 4 to 6 units may be necessary every 12 – 18 months depending on the patient’s lifestyle, sex life, and the rate at which their body metabolizes the filler.
The PhalloFILL® enhancement is highly customizable, so it is important to identify and communicate your goals from the beginning with your PhalloFILL® provider to help determine the best package for your individual needs.
During your PhalloFILL® enhancement the filler is layered and sculpted into place for optimal aesthetic results while also blending with your natural tissue. If you notice any abnormalities in shape or asymmetry along the injection plane following your PhalloFILL® treatment do not be alarmed, this will improve as the filler is layered from one session to the next while the desired increase in girth is achieved. Should you want to remove the filler for any reason, a simple solution can be injected that will dissolve the hyaluronic acid or any portion causing a visible irregularity to your dissatisfaction. This is rarely the case, in fact most men add more over time.
After the first treatment, an average of 10% in filler reduction can be expected due to the inflammatory process, however the majority of filler will remain and could last up to 6 years or longer. The proven PhalloFILL® enhancement and the optimal placement of filler allow for minimal absorption and maximum retention while maintaining the aesthetically pleasing results you desire within the limitations of your individual anatomy.
The number of units administered per treatment is based on the length of your penis.
A single PhalloFILL® treatment of 4-6 units will range between $2,800 – $4,350 adding roughly 1/4 to 1/3 of an inch in additional girth.
A conservative enhancement of 10 units offers discounted pricing and will range between $5,500 – $6,250. The 10 unit package will offer 2 treatments for most men and can add a noticeable 1/2 to 2/3 of an inch in additional girth.
A more substantial enhancement of 20 units offers our most discounted pricing and will range between $9,900 – $10,900. The 20 unit package will offer 3 – 4 treatments for most men adding roughly 1 inch in additional girth.
Pricing may vary based on location. Visit our pricing page for more information on girth enhancement packages and financing.
PhalloFILL® is available within the offices of Men’s Health providers throughout North America with current locations in:
Dallas, TX
Houston, TX
Miami, FL
Los Angeles, CA
Newport Beach, CA
Phoenix, AZ
Chicago, IL
Indianapolis, IN
Detroit, MI
Tulsa, OK
Oklahoma City, OK
Las Vegas, NV
Philadelphia, PA
Charlotte, NC
Colorado Springs, CO
Montreal, QC
Puerto Rico
Mexico City, MX
Most locations are centrally located within a short drive to an airport. Many patients flying in for their PhalloFILL® Enhancement arrive on a morning flight and return home the same day. You should plan for a 1.5 – 2 hour clinic visit maximum, so a 4-5 hour gap between flights should allow plenty of time to fly into most locations and return home the same day if you do not wish to stay overnight.
or call (844) 876-3455
to speak with a live representative today!