Your Guide to Selecting a Qualified Penis Girth Enhancement Provider

Selecting a Qualified Penis Girth Enhancement Provider

Search “How can I make my penis thicker?” and you’ll get upwards of 300 million results to click through. Now, do a search for “how to find the right provider for girth enhancement,” and you’ll get one. That’s right–just one maybe viable and helpful result at the time of this writing.

What gives? When it comes to sticking needles in your nether regions, you want to know how to determine who’s better qualified to do it–from urologists at a medical clinic to plastic surgeons and aesthetic experts at a med spa.

Let’s discuss what you need to know to navigate the sea of male girth enhancement options and choose a provider who knows what they’re doing. Getting this wrong has serious consequences, so let’s discuss what you should look for.

Qualifications and Credentials

Your manhood contains a lot of veins. Poking them the wrong way could cause excess bleeding, extend your healing time, or lead to permanent lumps. You want a provider with a lot of experience working in that area who you can trust to use only the safest products.

The following providers make great candidates, given that they have done your chosen procedure and specialize in Aesthetics, Sexual Medicine and Men’s Health:

  • Urologists specializing in Sexual Medicine and Men’s Health
  • Dermatologists and Cosmetic Surgeons
  • Aesthetic Injectors with specialties in Men’s Health

Research the provider network. Do they have a track record of positive outcomes?

Look at their providers. Are they transparent with their providers and credentials?

Your provider should have visible credentials and a history of proven competence and trustworthiness.

Before and After Photos

Your provider should have plenty of proof of their satisfied customers. Don’t settle for only a handful of photos or client testimonials. Look for upwards of 50. Often, provider networks do not have photos of their work due to a lack of positive results.


Consider your initial questions like a job interview in which you’ll determine whether or not you’ll hire the provider.

How does the provider treat you? What is their approach to your treatment? Are they responsive?

Your penis is a sensitive, veiny area. Your provider must be meticulous and knowledgeable about that specific body part and all its functions. Find a provider who understands the complexity of the procedure and approaches it with a proper bedside manner and medical understanding of the structure of the penis.

One tell-tale sign of a provider who fits the bill does not rush you as if you’re a number. They will make you feel one-of-a-kind because you are.

Also, your provider should build a relationship with you and personally oversee your treatment. A provider committed to their craft and their patients’ care and treatment goals is essential when it comes to filling your phallus.


Penis girth enhancement isn’t one-size-fits-all. You and your manhood are unique. Find a provider who gets that. They’ll care about your growth goals and personalize treatments for you.

  • Have they asked how much growth you’re looking for and discussed what you can expect to achieve during your first round of injections?
  • Have they asked what medications you’re on?
  • Have they made time to successfully answer all your questions and concerns?

A good-quality provider involves you in the treatment process, from planning to implementing to recovering, and will tailor the treatment and recovery instructions to you.

Comfort and Privacy

For some, exposing private parts to doctors takes a lot of trust. Find a facility that prioritizes your comfort and privacy throughout your penis girth enhancement protocol.

Your treatment facility should offer private treatment rooms. You want to feel comfortable, secure, and at ease during any treatment phase.

Recovery Care

What’s your provider’s after-care protocol like? Will the doctor or their staff give you explicit instructions on what to do and what not to do? Do they tailor after-care to your specific needs? Do you know what to do if you plan on getting more filler in a few weeks?

Have they discussed what bruising might look like? Will they give you helpful tips on healing, like resting, drinking plenty of water, or taking certain enzyme supplements?

Choose a provider who cares about tracking your progress and tailoring your treatment plan as needed to help you reach your girth goals.


Hyaluronic acid penis filler injections can range in price from $3,000 to upwards of $10,000, depending on your goals and the number of treatments. Your provider should be open and honest with you about your expenses. Insurance does not cover this elective procedure.

Be sure to discuss pricing and payment options. Some offer Care Credit or special financing to help you afford the expense by paying a little bit at a time.

Additionally, ask about discounted pricing for buying in bulk; the more units you buy, the more the per-unit cost decreases. Your provider shouldn’t make you feel like you have to use up all prepaid units to reach your girth goal. You should be able to purchase a package and undergo treatment at a pace that’s comfortable for you. Should you reach your girth goal with units remaining, you should have the flexibility to use them at a later date for a touch-up or maintenance treatment.

Choosing Your Girth Growth Provider

With these helpful hints, you can choose the right provider for you and one that will give you the best outcome. You’ll have a better idea of what they should be saying and asking you, their attention to your questions and concerns, accessibility, level of professionalism, and experience in the field.

It’s a sensitive area down there, and getting penis injections for enlargement can be a sensitive subject for you to discuss openly. Your provider should be approachable, transparent, and honest, making you feel at ease and in the hands of qualified professionals. Don’t be afraid to ask your questions and weigh your options.


Your Guide to Selecting a Qualified Penis Girth Enhancement Provider


When considering male girth enhancement procedures, it’s crucial to choose a qualified provider. Look for an experienced professional to avoid serious consequences. Check out the infographic for more information.

8 Girth Enhancement Provider Checklists Infographic
