No Sweat: Conquering Injection Anxiety for Penile Enlargement Treatments

Conquering Injection Anxiety for Penile Enlargement Treatments

It’s a pretty good guarantee no one on this planet loves getting injections. It’s not the most comfortable thing you can elect to do.

However, you can admit it’s not the most uncomfortable feeling either. In the grand scheme of things, there are way more painful things than a shot. And a shot lasts, what, a mere second—if that?

Nevertheless, some people are so scared of needles that they avoid regular doctor and dentist visits. They put their health and welfare on the back burner because of it.

For a larger penis and enhanced sexual pleasure, there’s a non-surgical penis enlargement technique that can work wonders for you. It can improve your confidence and intimacy. But there’s a catch—it’s an injection.

Before you pass on this safe and effective male enhancement due to your avoidance of needles, read on to discover why male enhancement injections are nothing to be afraid of. Also, learn some strategies to help you overcome your fear of needles in general.

Male Girth Enhancement Injections Explained

Finding the Right Provider

First, interview more than one male girth enhancement provider to see who seems best suited to enhance your manhood. Let them know about your needle phobia (called trypanophobia) and if you’ve had severe experiences with it in the past (such as passing out). Any provider should be able to tell you about their technique and client experiences to help relieve your fears.

What Happens During the Procedure?

Many male enhancement injections featuring hyaluronic acid dermal fillers use the smallest needle available—a diabetic needle—to numb your penis with lidocaine before the procedure. The small needle means less pain for you during that initial injection.

Many providers allow you to listen to whatever you want through headphones during a girth enhancement. Some might even have a TV in the room you can watch while you receive your growth treatment.

How Painful is the Process?

Did you know most patients rate their pain levels as one or two on a pain scale of one to ten after their male enhancement procedure? They feel the first injection of lidocaine but not much else after that.

Quick Recovery and Minimal Downtime

While you might experience bruising post-procedure, you’ll likely feel little to no pain during the healing process after a girth enhancement. Some patients have the procedure over a lunch break and return to work. Some leave the doctor’s office and meet friends and family for dinner afterward.

No one loves needles. However, you might feel better knowing that a male girth enhancement procedure uses the tiniest of needles to numb your penis with lidocaine before injecting hyaluronic acid dermal filler underneath your penis skin.

Men rate their pain as very low for this procedure. Most patients feel nothing at all after the initial lidocaine injection. They continue feeling little to no pain during their healing, which requires no downtime.

Try the tips below if your fear of needles prevents you from getting regular checkups or seeking medical professionals for more critical health reasons. If you desire a thicker penis, male girth enhancement injections are no sweat.

5 Tips to Conquer Injection Anxiety

Don’t avoid necessary and preventative medicine due to injection anxiety. Try these five tips to overcome your fear of needles.

1. Separate Fact From Fiction

What you tell yourself isn’t always reality. People with debilitating needle phobia have often exaggerated the realities of getting injections.

Shots last a second or less. They cause some pain, but most people have experienced much more painful things, like breaking a bone or getting stung by a bee.

Try to remember other painful things you’ve experienced before. You can probably think of some things you’ve overcome that hurt more than an injection.

What exactly is your fear telling you? Do you think the needle will stick in you and won’t come out? Perhaps you envision being stuck repeatedly as a nurse tries in vain to find a vein.

Consider if your worries have a high or low probability of occurring. Often, your brain has made up a scenario you’ll never experience.

2. Talk to Yourself

Coaching or pep-talking to yourself helps.

Your brain invents worst-case scenarios to keep you safe. Override this mechanism by talking to your fear as if it were someone else. Even give it a name.

For example, you might say or think, “[Insert a name here], I know you’re trying to keep me safe, but you’re going overboard. This small needle will cause very little pain that won’t last long. This will be way less painful than that time I rode my bike through a swarm of bees.”

Talk yourself into calmness as if your fear is human or you have an alternate personality. What would you say to a friend or family member who was experiencing immense anxiety?

3. Breathe

Pain can make you hold your breath. Fear can cause shallow breathing. Both can lead to dizziness or passing out.

Remind yourself to take long, slow, deep breaths through your nose and out. This cues your body to relax (making finding your veins and blood draws easier) and prevents you from passing out.

4. Distract Yourself

Take your mind off what is happening. One good exercise, often called the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding technique, can help reduce stress and anxiety. Here’s how to do it.

Look around you. Pick out:

  • Five things you can see (not looking at the needle, of course)
  • Four things you can touch
  • Three things you can hear
  • Two things you can smell
  • One thing you can taste

Even if you forget the number and order, what matters most is that you connect to your five senses.

You can ask a doctor if it’s okay to listen to a podcast, book, or playlist through headphones while you receive an injection. Watch TV if it’s available.

5. Let Your Provider Know

Speak with your provider about your fear. Let them know about any past troubles or traumas related to it. They might make accommodations for you.

Consider therapy if your fear of needles prevents you from living a healthy life. Mental health experts can give you strategies to overcome your fears.

Overcome Your Anxiety without Breaking a Sweat

Hopefully, you have less anxiety about male girth enhancement injections. Most men feel little to no pain and return for yearly or bi-annual treatments to keep their growth gains.

Male enhancement providers go the extra mile to make their patients comfortable during the procedure. They numb the area with a small injection of lidocaine, apply a just-right amount of filler, and provide distractions such as headphones, music, and TV. Remember to use some of the five strategies above, and you’ll do great!
