Start Your Year Right: Transform Your Sex Life With Dermal Fillers

Transform Your Sex Life With Dermal Fillers

Who doesn’t want to look and feel their best? The new year represents a starting point for goals that help you do just that.

In January, many people make resolutions to improve their lives—go to the gym more often, eat healthier, stop smoking, start dating, etc. As a male with a penis, there is one more thing you might want to consider this year—your intimacy.

Do you desire a higher quality or quantity of personal sexual experiences with your significant other or one you hope to meet this year?

Hyaluronic acid girth enhancement can help you transform your sex life. Not only is it safe and non-invasive, but it’s customizable and reversible. It’s built confidence in thousands of men in its decades-long history. Plus, it can improve the intimacy between you and your sexual partner.

Learn more about this incredibly safe and effective procedure below.

Safe and Non-Invasive

Growing your penis–it’s a sensitive area and sometimes a sensitive subject.

Hyaluronic acid dermal filler for penile girth enlargement is the safest, fastest, most pain-free way to get bigger. When it comes to safety, effectiveness, and comfort, HA dermal penis fillers trump all other alternatives, like weights, pumps, surgeries, or injections of foreign substances (ex. silicone).

Customizable and Reversible

Should you choose to take your penis size to the next level, know that you don’t want something permanent. That may sound counterintuitive. However, permanent substances aren’t natural to your body. Your body can reject them, giving you poor, bumpy, or painful results that can also be permanent. You don’t want that.

You want a substance that works with your body. Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in your body—in your eyes and the synovial fluid around your joints.

Your body metabolizes hyaluronic acid. That means your growth results won’t last forever. And that’s a good thing.

Plumping up with hyaluronic acid injections allows you to customize your growth. You grow bigger at an average rate of about ¼”-⅓” per treatment.

Grow in a more natural-looking way. Add more when you want more considerable gains. Revisit your provider every couple of years to replenish what your body metabolizes.

Correct any girth gains you don’t want. Should you have any filler movement or asymmetry, providers can soften or reverse hyaluronic acid filler using hyaluronidase to metabolize (dissolve) the filler instantly.

More Confidence

Now that you know dermal fillers are safe, effective, customizable, and reversible, you can feel more confident in the option you have to grow a bigger penis. The confidence doesn’t end there.

A larger penis can boost your confidence outside the bedroom. You can feel better in your skin, clothes, and bathing suit. You can walk with pride anywhere, including the gym locker room or emerging from a cold pool.

Confidence is a domino effect. It spreads throughout your life and career, helping you step up your game in new or established relationships. It also positively impacts your mood, giving you an even more attractive quality.

Boosted Intimacy

So how can growing a bigger penis improve your intimacy? It helps by improving your pleasure and your partner’s.

Pleasure drives intimacy.

Having a bigger penis helps your partner feel you more. A girthier penis allows you to fill up more space and touch more pleasure-sensing nerves.

Sex is meant to be pleasurable. Enjoying intimate times together brings you literally and figuratively closer together. You bond as you mutually enjoy time together.

Fillers help heighten your and your partner’s sensitivity. However, filler can also help improve duration for those concerned with premature ejaculation (PE). Be sure your provider knows if PE is a concern for you.

Does Penile Filler Affect Function?

Hyaluronic acid dermal filler can add girth (width) to your penis. It can help to improve confidence in and out of the bedroom and improve sexual satisfaction and intimacy overall. It’s a highly effective and extremely low-pain procedure for your sensitive area. Plus, you can reverse any gains you don’t like.

It sounds almost too good to be true, right?

You might wonder about penis filler healing time or if this method affects penis functions.

A knowledgeable provider can have you in and out of the office for this procedure in about 45 minutes. Also, there is no social downtime following penile filler injections. It’s possible to receive your treatment on a lunch break and return to work.

You do need downtime (about 10 days) from sexual activity, including all vaginal, anal, oral, and manual stimulation, to allow the filler to set. After, you’ll probably notice heightened pleasurable sensations during sexual activities.

You might experience bruising after, but it’s nothing to be alarmed about. Bruising is normal and typically disappears within days.

Dermal penis fillers do not affect urination, sperm count, or sperm motility.

Find A Provider

Enjoy more intimacy and confidence. Join the growing population in growing a bulkier penis.

Certified providers use this very safe and non-invasive technique to add girth to your penis with natural hyaluronic acid. That’s the same fluid found in your eyes and around your joints.

Hyaluronic acid dermal penis filler is non-permanent, which is better and safer than permanent alternatives. Your body naturally metabolizes HA. Hyaluronidase metabolizes it faster if there are any gains you want to adjust.

You don’t want just anybody working on your manhood. Many qualified penile dermal filler providers are expert cosmetic surgeons and urologists. Look for a certified provider who uses hyaluronic acid.

Qualified providers should have plenty of penis enlargement before and after photos upon request. The right one for you might be a plane ride away. Do your research before making a decision—even get a representative on the phone.

New Year, New You

While you’re setting resolutions and making headway on those goals, remember to consider your intimacy. If yours could use a boost, dermal penis fillers for enhancement may be something to consider.


Start Your Year Right: Transform Your Sex Life With Dermal Fillers


As a man, consider enhancing your intimacy this year with hyaluronic acid girth enhancement. This safe, non-invasive procedure is customizable and reversible, and it can strengthen your connection with your partner. Learn more in the infographic.

6 Reasons Dermal Fillers Transform Your Sex Life Infographic
