When Will My Penis Start and Stop Growing?

Penis Start and Stop Growing

Men can be pretty anxious about what to expect their penises to look like in the future. Some young men might not be aware that their penis will have growth spurts, just like the rest of their body. For “late bloomers,” the penis can remain smaller than their peers for quite some time, and that can be frustrating.

Below, we’ll discuss the biology of a man’s growing penis: average age ranges to expect more growth, average size ranges, and how a fully-grown man can safely increase his size if he wants to.

Your DNA and Hormones

How big will your penis grow? That’s hard to predict, but your genetics and hormones have a lot to do with it.

Different populations around the world have varying average penis sizes. Yours is affected by your ancestry and hormones.

Puberty starts your penis growth and the rest of your sexual maturity. It can span a good decade in males, from ages 10 to 21.

On average, most boys begin puberty around age 12 and end anywhere from 18-21. Remember that this is just an average range. Some men can experience puberty outside of these ages.

During puberty, your penis growth, shape, and size will change and vary greatly. There is no “normal” size or structure. You have nothing to be concerned about with your member as long as it functions well during urination or sexual intercourse.

During puberty, a hormone called testosterone increases, causing many physical changes. Sometimes, these changes occur too slowly to notice. Other times, it seems they happen overnight. You’ll grow taller, grow bigger muscles, and start growing facial and pubic hair.

Growing testicles may be your first sign of puberty. Your scrotum (the sac containing your testes) will drop, enlarge, and may darken in color. Your skin will thin, allowing the tiny bumps of hair follicles to pop through. Typically, one testicle hangs lower than the other for a time, which is entirely normal and no cause for worry.

The penis starts growing about a year after the testicles begin changing. Typically, penises grow in length first and then in width (also known as girth). Penile growth happens in spurts. It could grow fast for a few weeks, then slow down and grow again sometime later.

Penile growth spurts can last about five years and end (on average) between ages 18 and 21. For this reason, no male should have a penile growth procedure done before it’s done growing (ages 18-21).

Other penis-related changes during puberty include:

  • Pubic hair
  • Random erections
  • Ability to ejaculate
  • Uncontrollable nighttime emissions (also called “wet dreams”)

Average Penis Sizes

Many men need reassurance that their size is “normal.” Honestly, “normal” is just an average range that doesn’t reflect much. Nevertheless, here’s how to measure yours and the average range you can expect:

Average Penile Length:

  • Flaccid: Approximately 3.6 inches
  • Erect or Stretched: Approximately 5.5 inches

To measure length, begin at the base where your shaft starts at your pubic bone. Press around your pubic area until you feel bone. Stretch a measuring tape from that point to the tip of your penis.

Average Penis Circumference (Girth):

  • Flaccid: Approximately 3.6 inches
  • Erect: Approximately 5 inches

Wrap a soft measuring tape around the largest part of your shaft to measure girth. Your girth (circumference or width around) is where the number on the measuring tape meets itself at your start point.

What Your Penis Size Says About You

So, what does your penis size say about you? Absolutely nothing.

Your penis size and shape don’t indicate what it will look like beyond puberty, how well you’ll perform sexually, your masculinity, reproductive abilities, testosterone levels, or how attractive you are. Also, the joke is true; “You know what they say about big hands? Big gloves.” That’s right–your hand and foot size are no indication of your penis size.

As long as you have no trouble urinating, having intercourse, or reproducing, you have a healthy and happy penis. If you do have problems caused by a penis much smaller than the averages cited above, you may have what’s called a micropenis and can get help from a urologist. However, this is a very rare occurrence. Men often overestimate an average penis size and feel theirs is too short or skinny. Additionally, common cultural misconceptions create self-conscious men despite their having at or above-average-sized penises.

As a result, many men are unhappy with their size even if their partners are satisfied. Self-consciousness over penis size can turn into anxiety and interfere with mental health. Men with small penis anxiety become unhealthily fixated on their size, sometimes thinking about it for an hour or more a day and frequently checking it, causing more distress. This obsession is called penile dysmorphic disorder (PDD).

Dysmorphia is a mental health condition in which a person constantly worries about perceived flaws in their physical features. It can lead to shame, isolation, decreased sexual satisfaction, and psychiatric problems.

Increasing Your Penis Size

Many pills, creams, stretchers, and weights claim they can increase your length. However, the evidence doesn’t support these claims. They either do nothing or put the health of you and your penis at risk.

Only surgery can improve your length in the most severe cases. However, surgical “lengthening” can be dangerous and leave you with scar tissue that results in a shorter penis. Hyaluronic acid (HA) girth enhancement fillers can safely plump up your width and offer more visible length when flaccid without the risk of surgery or compromising the health of your penis.

Don’t simply show up to the closest location that popped up when you searched for “dick fillers near me.” These fillers should be performed by reputable urologists or providers specializing in sexual health (not by you or anyone without the proper training). Check out any potential provider’s hyaluronic acid girth enhancement before and after photos–they should have more than a handful–to find a qualified provider. Keep in mind the closest reputable practitioner near you may be a plane ride away.

Growing With Patience

Puberty begins your penis’ growth. Your penis stops growing when puberty stops for you (this could take five to ten years).

Many men incorrectly estimate the average penis size as something larger than their own. While the average size is approximately 3.6 inches in flaccid length to 5.1 inches in erect length, there is no “normal” size or shape. As long as you can urinate, have intercourse, and reproduce, you have a good size.

However, you can add girth to your penis if your size bothers you. Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are the safest means of increasing your size by growing your girth.
